How To Create Rules in Heroicmail
We get it. You have a lot of email coming into your inbox and you'd like to make them automatically go into a different folder for those special emails. In this example I'll show you how to create a rule that sorts emails from Netflix.
STEP 1: Find the email and copy the email address exactly as shown and copy it. I have already created a separate folder for these emails.

STEP 2: Upper right, click on your profile pic and go to Settings.

STEP 3: Click on Mail tab along the top. Then go to Rules. Then click Add.

STEP 4: Give the rule a title at the top. Then click Add at the bottom. Select From and starts with then paste the email in the next screen. Once done, click on Actions tab at the top.

STEP 5: We click on 'Move to' and then click the folder and choose your desired folder from the list. Then click OK at the bottom.

STEP 6: Once your rule is added you must now click OK at the bottom for the rule to come into effect. You are done!

STEP 1: Find the email and copy the email address exactly as shown and copy it. I have already created a separate folder for these emails.

STEP 2: Upper right, click on your profile pic and go to Settings.

STEP 3: Click on Mail tab along the top. Then go to Rules. Then click Add.

STEP 4: Give the rule a title at the top. Then click Add at the bottom. Select From and starts with then paste the email in the next screen. Once done, click on Actions tab at the top.

STEP 5: We click on 'Move to' and then click the folder and choose your desired folder from the list. Then click OK at the bottom.

STEP 6: Once your rule is added you must now click OK at the bottom for the rule to come into effect. You are done!

Updated on: 04/02/2025
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