Articles on: Web Hosting

NameHero Spamwall Service

Everyone hates spam! That's why at NameHero we have a new addon product called Spamwall. The simple tutorial below will give you the basics of how to manage your Spamwall service.

We currently offer 2 types of Spamwall service. White Label and our Branded version. The branded version is in the example below. Both work identical except for the branding and urls to login. The white label also offers resellers the option of managing multiple domains under their primary account.

Step 1: Order this service, please open a ticket and request the spamwall service. Please provide the domains you would like this service on so we can quote you the correct pricing and if you would like the white label version or the branded version. The white label version allows resellers to add and manage their own domains. For the white label we just need to know how many domains you wish to add. Currently this is a manual addon service that requires manual configuration and invoicing before it can go active.

(please allow 24-48 hours for full operational filtering!)

​**Cost? $35.00 for the first domain/year. Each additional domain is $25.00/year/domain. (for white label)**

Think that is expensive? The reality is it's actually much less expensive than paying employees to self filter (by the hour) their own spam and viruses! For just $2.91/month it covers all mailboxes on a domain!

Step 2: Once your account has been configured we will send you the appropriate login details via ticket to manage your Spamwall service.

Step 3: Login to your new spamwall service and start enjoying the benefits!
​[]( (branded)
​[]( (white label)

Getting to know your Spamwall Service!Upon login you will be in the Quarantine Summary: This will give you a quick look at how many spam emails are currently quarantined.

You'll spend most of your time in the 'My Quarantine' :

It is recommended to check your quarantine at least 1x a day to check for possible false positives. If you find an email that is legit, check the box next to the email and hit the 'Release & Whitelist' button. The email will be queued back up and delivered to your inbox. It is recommended, if you have confirmed all is spam or viruses (the pink color) to go ahead and delete those daily. This way you are only looking at the 'latest' spam that has come in!

You can check your 'Mail Log Viewer'. This will display all incoming mail logs for your domain.

Your White List will be automatically populated as you release and whitelist emails from your My Quarantine area!

You can adjust your spam scoring!

By default, with the settings below, any email that is scored over "3" will be quarantined. If the Advanced Tag Level is set to a number below 3 then the mail that comes in that scores between those two numbers will be delivered with {Spam?] prepended to the subject line. In the settings seen below, that will not happen. It will just quarantine anything that scores over 3.

For the most part, the rest can be ignored. You can explore those additional settings if you would like. Ultimately, this is a 'tool' to help you 'manage' your spam!

Updated on: 11/10/2024

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