JetBackup 5: The Comprehensive Backup Solution for Your cPanel Account
At NameHero, we understand the value of your data and are committed to providing the best backup solutions. That's why we offer complimentary nightly and weekly offsite backups for every cPanel account on our Web Hosting or Reseller Hosting packages. With the release of JetBackup 5, you can enjoy an even more seamless backup experience. Follow this all-in-one guide to access, download, and restore backups using JetBackup 5, ensuring your data's safety and your peace of mind. Accessing JetBaPopularHow To Add An Addon Domain In cPanel
Setting Up Addon Domains In cPanel The quick and short answer is: Log into cPanel on the account to add the domain on. Click "Domains" under the "Domains" section. Click the "Create A New Domain" button. Enter the domain name to add in the "Domain" text box. Deselect the "Share document root (/home/username/publichtml) with “domain.tld”." option. Enter the directory where you want the files for this domain to exist. Click the "Submit" button. Update your DNS tPopularHow To Fix The "Your IP Address Has Changed" Error In cPanel/WHM
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One thing we encourage here at is that you register multiple TLDs for your brand. This way, you are provided protection and keep possible competitors from creating websites off your name. For example, say you own You would then want to register,, and at the very least! Once registered, you can then redirect your additional TLDs back to In this tutorial, we’re going to show yFew readersHow To Setup 301 Redirects In cPanel
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